Status Updates Come to KV

Social Updates

Social Updates

Status Updates come to KV. Here are the additions which can be done by the “Add a Status Update” option from the “Add Content” Menu.

1) You can now provide a status update on KV. You can optionally tag your status update with certain keywords like (music, news, deal, etc) for an icon to appear next to your status. We will add more keywords and icons soon. This feature replaces the “Kya Deal Hai” and “Aur Anya Samachar”. Now just use “deal” or “news” in your status update.

2) Sometimes you may find an interesting tweet which you want to share. In such case just provide the username of the tweeter and we will grab the latest tweet from that user for you.

3) Sometimes an interesting tweet may not be the latest one from that person. In such a case, grab the unique id of the tweet (a numeric one) and paste it. we will grab that tweet for you.

4) If you are a regular tweeter send us your username and we will automatically grab your tweets on an hourly basis.

There is so much information going around in the social world. And it makes sense for some of that to flow to KV also. :-).

Coming Soon:
1) Comments on the above status updates. You will be able to comment on them.
2) More Icons and better presentation.

One Comment:

  1. In case of twitter updates, Only the latest tweet will be displayed per person.

    In case of status updates made on KV itself, they will be displayed for 3-4 days.

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